Welcome to the Tribal Community Utility Assistance Program (CUAP) page. The CUAP is a partnership of Norton Sound Health Corporation, Kawerak, Inc., and Norton Sound Economic Development Corporation.
Training Information:
Water Plant Operators: The State of Alaska Training Calendar lists upcoming training courses designed for water plant operators to gain and maintain their certifications.
Administrative and Managerial Staff: The Division of Community and Regional Affairs (DCRA) Training Calendar lists upcoming training courses designed for personnel involved in managing rural utilities.
Please reach out to Marilyn Thomas if you have any questions regarding upcoming trainings.
Best Practice Scores:
Best Practice Scores are calculated yearly. Find your community’s best practice score here: Operations and Maintenance Best Practices (RUBA Summary)
Community Pages
- Brevig Mission
- Diomede
- Elim
- Gambell
- Golovin
- Koyuk
- Saint Michael
- Savoonga
- Shaktoolik
- Shishmaref
- Stebbins
- Teller
- Unalakleet
- Wales
- White Mountain
Past Newsletters:
Contact Us: